2018 SCaLE 16x Container Days

Container Days

March 8, 2018 - March 11, 2018

Container Days is a set of tracks and events co-located at SCALE. The event offers indepth technical presentations on containers, orchestrators and service meshes. Join the Los Angeles container community and dive into Kuberentes, Mesos, Istio and more.

Hands-On Intro to Kubernetes with kubectl


Learn Kubernetes basics through a series of hands-on command-line interactions.

This interactive session involves using kubectl to learn about kubernetes APIs and the basic abstractions provided for modeling distributed solutions. By the end of this workshop you’ll be deploying, scaling, and automating container-based solutions using open source tools for distributed computing.

To follow along, bring a laptop with: http://bit.ly/scale-k8s#/laptop-setup

Presentation Link

Kubernetes Basics with kubectl at #SCaLE16X

Introduction to the U-Boot bootloader


U-Boot is the universal bootloader used on a vast majority of embedded systems, development kits, products and so on. This session is an introduction into the U-Boot bootloader, including a hands-on part, and covers practical topics like identifying that the board is running U-Boot, accessing and exploring the U-Boot shell, including advanced scripting techniques to make life easier, obtaining information about the current hardware, accessing busses and storage and finally booting the kernel. Furthermore, since every embedded project has it's unique set of requirements, U-Boot customization topics are briefly touched at the end of the session.

Running Containerized Workloads in an on-prem Datacenter


Over the past decade virtualization moved from upstart, to mainstream, to become the dominant form of application deployment in a datacenter. Containerization is much newer but is growing as a means to deploy applications in a more portable fashion, with better support for horizontal scale out to handle elastic demands.

This talk will cover options and best practices for using containers and open source platforms to deploy applications and backing services, in a way that will run in an on premises datacenter, but still be portable, largely unchanged, to public clouds.

We will survey and compare popular orchestrators (Apache Mesos, Cloud Foundry, DC/OS, Kubernetes , Docker Swarm) and address what is possible, enhancements underway now, and limitations that still exist.

The menu of options for on-premises deployment is almost too rich by some measures (number of choice of distributions, deployment tools, etc). Just as few organizations find it viable to start using Linux by building the kernel from scratch, from GitHub source, a practical production worthy deployment plan will likely start with a distribution, but will also need to consider day 2+ operations like patching, version upgrades, and node count growth.

We will sort of the options for deploying container orchestrators on bare metal (without a mandated virtualization layer) hardware, and over on prem virtualization in a broad, vendor neutral comparison of features and attributes.


  • There are many different flavors of orchestrators

    • PaaS vs CaaS vs IaaS

      • Platform as a Service

      • Container as a Service

      • Infrastructure as a Service

        • i.e. virtual machines

    • Principles of mapping workloads to dynamic resources all trace their heritage back to Google's Borg project

    • What's your ideal datacenter?

      • Deploy from open source / commercial distro

      • Bare metal / Iaas / CaaS / PaaS / SaaS

      • Many organizations will find they want "platform-opinionated"

    • Differences between public cloud vs on premise

      • Public cloud has a nice user interface

        • Dashboards are already built

        • On-prem Kubernetes, out of the box, will not have dashboards

      • Networking choices

        • Network considerations

          • App level flow control

            • i.e. a camera might be collecting data more quickly than the image processing app can handle; consider having the image processing app signal to the camera to drop frames instead of filling up system memory

      • Storage choices

        • "There is no such thing as a 'stateless' architecture. It's just someone else's problem. -Jonas Boner

          • For an on-prem datacenter, you are responsible for maintaining the "backing store"

        • Avoid database monoliths

        • Container advantages make sense for stateful

        • Container Storage Interface (CSI)

    • Typhoon (https://github.com/poseidon/typhoon)

      • Good for a home lab, legit Kubernetes cluster

    • Be wary of installers that download at deploy time

Why Johnny can't Container: Tips for Application On-boarding to OpenShift & Kubernetes


Johnny Developer has taken 3 months to move his JBoss App to your OpenShift or Kubernetes cluster. WHY?! With a little understanding and a few tips tips and tricks, on-onbarding an app to Containers could take just a few hours.

We'll also discuss how and when to break a Monolith into a Microservice. Developing a process & practice around Application Migration. Key process features of Application On-boarding to help ensure Johnny Developer's success. And, how to scale these processes when you have hundreds or thousands of applications to migrate.


  • Build short, small, iterative parts

    • We call this Agile today

  • Know Your References

  • How to get developers to writing with containers in mind

    • 2 Pronged Attack: Tactical & Strategic

      • Start with a checklist

        1. Pick a base image which is closest to your application platform or framework

        2. Use tools that make building your container easier (automation)

          • Build it up-front

          • Use s2i in OpenShift and OpenShift Origin

            • With s2i, standing up an app can be as easy as four lines

            • Even more powerful is a binary s2i deployment using JBoss EAP

          • Use a CI/CD tool like Jenkins

          • Use Templates for describing your app

        3. Understand how to use your base image to build your app

          • It allows to make the mapping between VM to containers

        4. Pull out (parameterize) all of the config from internals of your app

          • Why?

            • Build once, deploy anywhere and run in any container

          • How?

            • Have app startup/inialization based on external factors and information

          • Your code shouldn't need to be rebuilt for DEV or QA or PROD

          • Be comfortable with creating ENV vars, ConfigMaps, Secrets, Volume Mounts

            • Want the container to be as static as possible

            • Pull out hard-coded IPs, paths, credentials, etc

          • This is how you save testing time

        5. Configure your logging to write everything to stdout

          • The model in Kubernetes is to write to stdout

          • As opposed to writing to an app specific logging file

        6. Tactical

        7. Strategic: Guidance for your Enterprise

      • You must measure!

        • What do you want to optimize?

          • Development cycle?

          • Deployment cycle?

          • Quality?

          • Standardization?

            • "T-shirt sizes"

              • Small/big app?

          • Failures?

          • Bugs?

          • Lead time between changes?

        • Use a checklist to standardize on-boarding activities

          • Take inventory of the current development/deployment lifecycle

          • Take inventory of your candidate on-boarding applications

          • Start with simple apps

          • Checklist should allow you to take inventory of your applications architecture ports, dependencies, TLS, startup, monitoring, HA, etc

            • Anything that makes your app peculiar

          • Prioritize based on value to the business

          • Don't be afraid sto start with simple apps

          • Create templates for your technology stacks

        • Create an expert on-boarding group

          • This usually leads to success

          • Want to have a group of 4-5 who work together and have elevated access to have visibility into other applications to help developers onboard their apps

          • Train the trainers

            • This team needs to understand the technology stack at a deep level

              • OpenShift

              • Kubernetes

          • Develop a way to disseminate knowledge

            • Templates, tutorials, training, wikis, etc

    • JBoss EAP, Tomcat/JWS Tips

      • Your apps must run in STandalone Mode; Domain Mode is not usable

      • Clustering is done via JGroups instead

      • Be sure your pom.xml does not create dor or source jars

      • JNDI connections should be externalized in standalone-openshift.xml

      • Property vars with '.' neet to be renamed with underscores

        • APP.NAME => APP_NAME

      • If you need to overwrite startup command line parameters, use the right ENV var

        • JBoss EAP - JAVA_APTS_APPEND

      • To use ENV vars in your standalone-openshift.xml config file

        • ${env.MYAPP_VAR}

You Got Your VM In My Container


Of course we're used to running containers on top of virtual machines, but did you know you can also run virtual machines in containers, or as containers? And containers on VMs in containers on VMs? That may sound crazy, but there's plenty of reasons to intermix containers and VMs ... truly they are Two Great Tastes that Taste Great Together.

In this talk, we'll go over the current state of the art in mixing containers and VMs, including technologies like KubeVirt, ClearContainers, and OpenStack-on-Kubernetes. We'll go over some of the reasons you might have for both mixing and layering. And then we'll wrap up with a practical demonstration of running a Kubernetes database service using Kubevirt.


  • VM and Containers are natural enemies?

  • Containers-in-VMs

    • i.e. Docker on AWS

  • Run VMs-in-containers

    • Specifically to this talk, VMs-on-Kubernetes

    • Why would we want this?

      • VMs are awesome, but they require infra-like shared storage and HA management services

      • With multiple hosts, need orchestration

      • Example lab: Hyper-Converged oVirt + Gluster

        • oVirt for virtualization

        • Gluster for storage

      • Kubernetes purpose to run generic workloads

        • Easy to run stoarge, management, and authentication on Kubernetes

          • Container-native storage has continued to progress

            • Gluster CNS

            • Ceph (Rook)

        • Virtualization was tricky and brittle a few years ago

          • Progress has been made

            • KubeVirt

              • An Add0on that extends Kubernetes to support scheduling of VM workloads alongside container workloads

              • KubeVirt anatomy

                • Custom Resource Definitions

                  • New virt-specific object types added to the kube apiserver

                  • Manage like other kube objects, using kubectl

                • virt-controller

                  • One per cluster

                  • A kubernetes operator

                  • Watches the apiserver for VM objects

                  • Creates pods for new VMs to like in

                • virt-handler

                  • One of these runs on every node

                  • Takes over the VM pod once the virt-controler creates it

                • virt-launcher

                  • Each VM gets a virt-launcher pod

                  • This is the pod that the virt-controller creates initially, and the virt-handler takes over

                • Storage

                  • Kubernetes takes care of the persistent storage

                    • pv volumes

                    • Ephermeral volumes

                      • A copy-on-write volume

                    • Registry disk volumes

                    • Cloud-init nocloud volumes

                • Networking

                  • Regular pod networking

                  • Every kubernetes pod gets its own IP address

                  • Expose ports with kube services

  • Virtualization security

    • Container Isolation

      • Namespaces

      • SECCOMP

      • SE-Linux

      • Bubblewrap

        • De-escalate priviledges

      • Clair & OpenSCAP

    • Major class of issues: Kernel Exploits

      • Containers share the same kernel as the host OS

        • Any hole that is exploited in one container can be used to access all other containers

    • Resource usage

      • Resource limits are more of a suggestion, rather than a hard limit

        • Containers can use more than the resource limit and the host OS will come along at some later time to limit it

    • kata containers

      • Goal is to combine the advantages of virtualization and containers

      • Minimal VM wrapper

      • Plugs into kubernetes with CRI-O

        • CRI: Container Runtime Interface

          • Kubelet > CRI shim

      • How Kata works

        1. Kubernetes calls CRI

        2. CRI calls CRI-O

        3. CRI-O calls kata-runtime

          • The kata-runtime needs to be pre-installed on each node

        4. kata-runtime starts QEMU mini-VM

        5. mini-VM runs Kube pod

      • Startup Times are greatly reduced compared to starting a full VM

      • Enables Trusted/Untrusted

        • Can be used as an option

          • TrustedSandbox controls if it'll be run as a regular container or a kata-container

      • Limitations

        • Pre-alpha

          • Launched December 2016

          • Still debating fundamental architecture

          • It is a project to watch

        • Linux guest only

          • Doesn't have any features

          • Doesn't have access to system resources

        • No special devices

        • Can't support VM apps

    • Other Technologies in this space

      • Virtlet

      • Rkt VMs

      • RancherVM (RIP)

      • Service Broker

        • There was a talk on Friday)

    • Super Duper Hyper Convergence

      • Use kubernetes to manage VMs

      • Give VMs access to Kube resources

      • Add VM security to containers

      • Run VMs on containers on VMs!

Container Orchestration Nightmares


A lot of talks will tell you how to setup a system correctly. This talk is about what not to do with your Apache Mesos and DC/OS cluster.

We will share some of our favorite/scariest support stories covering typical system-setup, configuration, and application pitfalls for new (and not-so-new) Mesos and DC/OS operators. And, we will give some hints about how to debug those pitfalls if you do encounter them, resulting in fewer nightmares.

Presentation Link


  • Common patterns that are not ideal for container orchestration systems

    • Avoid creating your own scripts, but use an existing container orchestration system

      • Addresses:

        • Container scheduling

          • Placement

          • Preplicatoin/scaling

          • Resurrection

          • Rescheduling

          • RUlling delployment

          • Upgrades

          • Downgrades

          • Collocation

        • Resource management

          • Memory

          • CPU

          • GPU

          • Volumes

          • Ports

          • IPs

          • Images/Artifacts

        • Service management

          • Labels

          • Groups/namespaces

          • Dependencies

          • Load balancing

          • Readiness checking

    • Assumption Applications

      • Apps should not rely on external assumptions

        • dockerentry.sh create default config

        • Implement a short test/retry loop for external connections

    • Twelve-factor app

    • Monitoring

      • Monitoring to detect problems early

        • OOM

        • JVM garbage collection times

          • During garbage collection, your app will be unavailable

      • Metrics

        • Application

        • Container

        • Cluster

        • Want to correlate these metrics with the host OS

      • Consider percentiles over average

        • Averages/min/max may not be that informative

    • Health Checks

      • Specify health checks carefully

        • Different options

        • Mesos vs Marathon

        • Command vs HTTP

      • Impacts load=balancers and restarts

      • Readiness checks

        • Defines the first time an app is healthy and ready

          • This can guard against prematurely killing a container because it is still coming online

    • Immutable container images

      • Use tagged container images

        • i.e. specify the version of a package so it doesn't just pull from master

      • Keep tagged images immutable!

    • Private container registries

      • Private container registries should be running from within the cluster and not pulling from the internet

    • Repeatable container builds

      • Use repeatable builds for images

        • Including FROM clause

      • Keep images minimal

        • Multistage build

        • From scratch

    • UI Deployments

      • Want control what is running on your infrastructure

      • Force the developer to go through a CI/CD system so they can never push code onto the production system

      • Use (Marathon) endpoints for deployments!

      • Version (and track) your app definitions!

    • Backup State

      • Services state

      • Cluster state

    • CI/CD Deployments

      • Prevent developers from accessing the system directly

        • Developer just pushes changes to version control

        • The pipeline will then automatically take the changed code

    • Networking

      • Consider networking challenges

        • Connectivity

        • Load-balancing

        • Layer 4 vs 7

          • Consider performance penalty of layer 7

        • Service discovery

        • Isolation

    • Resource Constraints

      • One of things that are difficult to get right

        • Don't want to over-allocate and be wasteful

        • DOn't want to under-allocate and the application runs slowly

      • Memory constraints are hard limits

      • Consider overhead (e.g., Java)

      • Difficult to approximate

      • Monitor

    • Disk Usage

      • Docker and logs are great at filllng up disk space!

        • Images

        • Container

      • Cleanup docker instances and images!

      • Monitor available disk space!

    • Zookeeper/etcd Cluster Size

      • Even number node size is not good

        • Don't pick a node size of 4

        • Pick either 3 or 5

      • Zookeeper quorum (i.e., #Masters) should be odd!

      • (Typically) Production size of 5 is optimal

      • Adding more than 5 nodes slows down writes

    • NoSQL Datastores

      • Consider the semantics of your datastore!

        • ACID vs Base

      • Model your data and queries accordingly!

    • Removing Stateful Frameworks

      • Follow the uninstall instructions!

      • Reservations and Zookeeper state!

      • state.json

    • Container vs VMs

      • Be aware of different isolation semantics!

    • Container Definition...

      • What is the difference between container image and instance?

        • container runtime

        • != container image

        • != container instance

        • != container runtime b

    • Write Once Run Anywhere

      • Not necessarily true

      • Java (<9) not groups aware

        • threads for GC

        • Memory

    • Java Meets Container

      • Development

        • Java app packaged in a container

      • Production

        • 10 JVM container ona 32 core box

        • By default, each of the JMV containers will allocate 32 cores for each JRE, 32 threads for ForkJoinPool, etc

    • Linux Distributions

      • If possible, use officially tested distributions by the container orchestration you're using

      • Especially for DC/OS

    • Services on the same node...

      • Be careful when running services outside Mesos but on the same cluster

      • Adjust resources accordingly

    • Spreading Out Master Nodes

      • Be careful when distributing Master nodes across high latency links

      • Different AWS AZ is ok, different region probably not

        • Worker nodes typically don't have to worry about latency, but be careful with the master nodes

    • Agent Attributes

      • Set agent attributes when starting an agent

        • This will impact scheduling decisions

      • Do not change for running agents

        • Best to take down the agent, change the attributes, then restart

    • Software Upgrades

      • Follow upgrade instructions

      • Backup

      • Explicit control of versions

    • Cluster Upgrades

      • Check state before

      • Follow upgrade instructions

      • Automation

      • Remember to backup

      • Upgrade procedure (with DC/OS)

        • Before upgrading

          1. Make sure cluster is healthy!

          2. Perform backup

            a. ZK

            a. Replicated logs

            A. other state

          3. REview release notes

          4. Generate install bundle

        • During

          1. Master rolling upgrade

          2. Agent rolling upgrade

          3. Framework upgrades

    • Day 2 Operations

      • This is how to keep your operation running after it is up an running

      • Configuration Updates

        • scaling

        • reconfiguration

      • Binary upgrades

      • Cluster maintenance

        • Backup

        • Restore

        • Restart

      • Monitor progress of operations

      • Debug any runtime blockages

    • Metrics

      • Cluster utilization

      • Resource utilization

      • Bottlenecks

    • Production Checklist

Last updated