2017 SoCal Code Camp

Code Camp Los Angeles

Ways to Fail. Or Not.

Heather Barron


I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work. -- Thomas Edison

We are conflicted with failure in our society. We recognize that failure is an inevitable, necessary and vital component of success, and yet we lionize success and shame failure. Perhaps because of this shaming of failure we avoid talking about it, which ironically leads to yet more failure.

In this talk we'll crack the taboo around failure and take a good hard look at the reasons for failure, the types and ways to fail all with an eye to learning how to leverage failure to get to success.


  • Energy Levels

    • Understanding where people live and where they come from will help you to better relate to them

    • We are constantly moving between levels

    • Level Descriptions - Core Thought/Core Feeling/Action

      • Level 1 - Victim/Apathy/Lethargy

        • Weakest to make change

      • Level 2 - Conflict/Anger/Defence

      • Level 3 - Responsibility/Forgiveness/Cooperation

      • Level 4 - Concern/Compassion/Service

        • Servant leaders

        • May often take care of the team to the detriment of the self

      • Level 5 - Reconciliation//Peace/Acceptance

        • We're going to win, or we won't play

        • Structure the game so there are no losers

      • Level 6 - Synthesis/Joy/Wisdom

        • We always win

      • Level 7 - Non-judgement/Absolute Passion/Creation

        • Winning is an illusion

  • Effective/Ineffective teams:

    • Effective teams have:

      • High emotional intelligence

      • Good mix of introverts & extroverts

      • Shared goals, well understood

      • Time for fun

      • Proactive communication

        • Sprint retrospectives

      • Strong leadership

      • Positivity is contagious

    • Ineffective teams have:

      • Poor focus

      • Unequal members

        • Tragically, newbies are shut down

          • Newbies can contribute novel ideas

      • Negativity

        • This is also contagious

      • Lack of cohesion

      • Rudeness

      • Domination

        • How can you learn if you never listen?

      • Irresponsibility

        • You want those people who are excited for Mondays and can't wait to tackle problems

  • Keeping Perspective

    • Important thing isn't what's right, but what the team agrees to do

    • Subjective vs Objective

      • Ego, judgement

        • Biases in how someone's work productive evaluated can lead to emotionally triggering someone into a less efficient energy level

      • Good/Bad vs Healthy/Unhealthy

      • Right/Wrong vs Efficient/Inefficient

  • Composing a team with strengths and weaknesses in mind

    • Assess the need

    • Assess the team

    • Know the aspirations

      • None of us are static

        • Levers of motivation

    • Augment strengths

    • Cover weaknesses

    • Keep a road map

      • If you don't remember where you began or where you're going, you can't evaluate where you're at and your goals

  • Kinds of Failure

    • Abject

      • This is the really dark one. It marks you and you may not ever fully recover from it. People lose their lives, jobs, respect, or livelihoods.

    • Structural

      • It cuts - deeply - but it doesn't permanently cripple your identity or enterprise.

    • Glorious

      • Going out in a botched but beautiful blaze of glory - catastrophic but exhilerating.

    • Common

      • Everyday instances of screwing up that are not too difficult to recover from. The apology was invented for this category.

    • Version

      • Small failures that lead to incremental but meaningful improvements over time.

    • Predicted

      • Failure as an essential part of a process that allows you to see what it is you really need to do more clearly because of the shortcomings. Example: the prototype.

  • The Field of Fail: A spectrum of failure

    • Failing badly

      • Vicious cycles

      • No retrospectives

      • No lessons learned

      • No value recovered

      • No transparency

      • No team examination

      • No process examination

    • Failing well

      • Teaching the way out/around the holes

      • Capturing improvements

      • Planned failure

      • Failing quickly

      • Failing cheaply

      • Recovering value

      • Learning lessons

      • Improving processes

      • Teaching the team

        If you're not failing every now and again, it's a sign you're not doing anything very innovative. -- Woody Allen

    • Not failing

      • Not failing is not the same as succeeding

      • Sometimes a good failure is better than a mediocre success

      • Avoiding all risk is not the way to success, even if it may be a way to minimize failure

    • Succeeding

      • On time

      • On budget

      • Meets requirements

      • Stable

      • Maintainable

      • Useful

      • Useable

      • Key: Make sure the definition of success is set at the beginning

    • Winning!

      • Virtuous cycle

      • Surprised & delighted stakeholders

      • Delivery in the face of the unexpected

      • Side benefits to organization

      • Product leadership

      • Enabled market penetration

      • Users are your cheerleaders

      • Culture of continuous improvement

        • People don't tolerate badly written code

      • Empowered team members

      • Commitment to excellence

      • New opportunities

  • Summary

    • Prevalence of failure

    • Economics of software

    • Reasons for failure

    • Team dynamics

    • Kinds of failure

    • Ways to fail

  • Final thoughts

    • Always assume you know less than you think you do

    • Be sure to capture lessons learned at the end of every project including how to leverage them, train them, internalize them. No shelfware!

    • Agile is a process that embraces failure, not avoids it

    • Consider your process (or lack thereof) and maturity

    • Consider the right tool for the job

      • i.e. methodologies: which flavor of Agile vs waterfall vs CMM

The Architectural Mindset

Jeremy Cameron

  • Thought leader

  • Practice leader at a Fortune 500 company (Assurant)

  • Hired 60 people this year

  • Platform architect


This session will provide an architectural framework that you can use when facing difficult and uncertain issues. It's a way of thinking about problems and solutions that can be applied to technology challenges, life challenges, and any situation with multiple paths. It will be presented from a technical point of view but non-technical people will also benefit from this talk.


  • Solving Problems

    • The right answer or the best answer?

  • Maturity Mindset

    • 3 Stages

      • Can I do it?

      • Should I do it?

      • When should I do it?

        • Important and urgent matrix

          • Start with important and urgent quadrant

          • Move quickly to urgent but not important

            • Respond to them quickly

              • Delegate them out

          • Important but not urgent

            • These are your goals

            • These are the ones you want to work

            • These are the strategic things to work

  • Work Inward Out (Why? -> How? -> What?)

    • Start with Why

      • Architects often want to start with the solution first

    • Why = the purpose

      • What is your cause? What do you believe?

    • How = the process

      • Specific actions taken to realize the Why

    • What = the result

      • What do you do? The result of Why. Proof.

  • Effective Listening

    • Gaining key insights

    • Hear the other person completely

      Most people do not listen with the intent to understand; they listen with the intent to reply. -- Stephen R. Covey

  • Toolsets

    • The right tool for the right job at the right time

    • Think about setting people for success

    • Build just enough; as little as you need

    • Ask: Do I really need this?

      When all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail -- Aristotle

  • Problem Space

    • What problem are we trying to solve?

    • Toolbox

      • Words

      • Diagrams

        • Conceptual level

          • Problems modeled into a broken down way

        • Logical level

        • Physical

      • Pictures

      • It Depends

  • Creating Solutions

    • How do we solve this?

    • Get something down on paper

    • Get a strawman

    • Don't be afraid to throw away code

    • Refactoring is a good thing

    • Craft 3 viable options

      • This is ideal because with 2, it's either this or that. With 3, it's easier to think of things objectively

        • Weighted spreadsheet with selection criteria

          • Evaluated objectively

          • Suggests that a scale of 1(poor) to 5(ideal) is good

      • Helps mitigate scenarios where an option is chosen in search for a problem

  • Executing and Producing

    • Two jobs: Solve problems and add value

      • Solve problems every day, even if it's just a small problem

    • Work small

      • As a developer, less attachment to a couple-hours worth of code and more can more easily be thrown away

        • Fear of failing keeps developers from innovating

    • Fail fast

    • Learn always

      • Failure is not a bad thing if you learn from it

  • Continuous Learning

    • Magic is found every day when you look for it

    • MAGIC: My Actions Generate Internal Change

    • Always be learning something new

    • Defensiveness is a roadblock to learning

  • Career Path Transitions

    • Developer -> Architect

      • Be willing to understand

        • Understand the problem in full

      • Don't be afraid to iterate on ideas

        • Get something on paper

        • Come up with a solution, then figure out how to make it better

        • It can be a terrible solution, but it's better than paralysis by analysis

        • Indecision is often the wrong decision

      • Find a mentor

        • Make sure it's bi-directional relationship that is mutually valuable

          • Make sure you provide value to the person mentoring you

        • Be prepared at every meeting

  • Design purposefully up-front otherwise you'll be designing ad-hoc

  • Automated testing is very important to deliver quickly

  • Agile vs Waterfall

    • How do you want to embrace change?

    • Jeremy suggests that even in a waterfall process, he would set milestones in 2-3 week intervals to better track progress

Dream Team

Jeremy Cameron


What makes a great team? Why should you want to be involved with it? How do you pick the right team members? How do you pick the right team as a candidate when you have multiple opportunities? How do you set yourself up for both short term and long term success? What are the ingredients of a dream team?


Go fast? Go alone. Go far? Go together. -- Unattributed

  • What makes a "Dream Team"

    • Alignment

      • "Don't choose your next job but your next boss"

    • Value

      • If you're working for a company, you need to deliver business value

      • Make sure to add value every day

    • Continuous Learning

      • Experimentation: The catalyst of creativity

      • Don't be afraid to make mistakes

      • Don't be afraid to fail spectacularly

      • Sometimes you win, sometimes you learn, sometimes you're lucky to do both

    • Leadership

      • Not everyone is a leader

      • Characteristic of a leader is to be lead well

  • Motivators

    • It's all about the Benjamins????

    • Less than 2% correlation between pay and satisfaction

    • Examples:

      • Personal growth

      • Recognition

        • If you recognize yourself, you won't need to rely on anyone else for satisfaction

      • Family

      • Sex

      • Freedom

      • Fulfillment

      • Achievement

      • Influence

      • Success

      • Love

      • Money

      • Power

    • Don't need to treat everyone the same, but must treat them equally

    • Figure out your motivations and drive towards those things

  • Skills That Matter

    • Soft skills are twice as important as technical or functional skills

      • Carries Everywhere

      • Team Spirit

        • Be willing as a leader to accept a little more share of the blame and little less of the credit

        • Title only effects two things

          • HR salary considerations

          • Authority in a very structured organization

      • Self-Confidence

        • Don't say "you're just" a developer, but "I am" a developer. In fact say "I am" one of the best developers I know.

      • Trustworthiness

      • Assertiveness

        • Be willing to make a decision

          • "The road is full of dead squirrels who couldn't"

        • It's ok to change your mind, to learn, to grow

      • Communication

      • Empathy

      • Inquisitiveness & Creativity

        • Be willing to experiment; try, create, and explore new things

  • Emotional Intelligence

    • Be first the master of yourself

    • Awareness is the first step to change

    • Self-Awareness

      • Emotional self-awareness

      • Accurate self-assessment

      • Self-confidence

    • Social Awareness

      • Empathy

      • Organizational awareness

      • Service orientation

    • Relationship Management

      • Developing others

      • Inspirational leadership

      • Conflict management

    • Self-Management

      • Emotional self-control

      • Initiative

      • Optimism

    • Emotional Intelligence 2.0 - Travis Bradberry

  • Dream Team for you

    • Hello, is it me you're looking for?

    • Figure out what you like

      • What kind of culture is important to you?

    • What are your values?

      • Speaks to who you are

      • What is important in your core?

    • Don't compromise

    • Ask thoughtful questions

    • Interviews are bidirectional

      • Interviews are the first several months, not just the official interview

      • Be prepared with good, thoughtful questions

      • Airport test

        • If you had a layover at an airport, would you be ok having a conversation with the person?

  • Build That Great Team

    • Define your culture

      • Follow the money

        • Are you in a project where your company is going?

    • Don't compromise

    • Be fair

    • Be honest

      • Consider vendors as part of the team

    • Believe in your team

      • Have conversations with everyone on the team

      • Maintain an open door policy

      • You're not too big to help with the menial tasks

      • Be present with your team

      • Be engaged with your team

  • Secret Sauce

    • When looking at a resume

      • Tells a story

      • Read the summary

      • Dig into the most recent experience

        • Looking at the most recent couple of years

      • Look for inconsistencies

      • Discern personality from the resume

        • Technical skills are just table stakes

      • Look for compatibilities:

        • Team fit

        • Technical Fit

          • Ask open-ended questions

        • Skill fit

        • Culture fit

          • Sometimes put people in stressful situations in the interview to gauge how they will react in similar situations

  • Skills to develop

    • Business acumen

    • Delegation

    • Think from the next higher level

Rock Your Code Quality

David McCarter

  • dotnetdave@live.com

  • Microsoft MVP

  • Award Winning Developer

  • Architect



Code quality starts with you, the developer. If you are writing your first app or have been through the battle field many times trying to improve code quality within your team, this session is for you. This fast paced session will discuss the core things you need to remember each and every day of your coding life along with real world examples and solutions. Other topics discussed will be Visual Studio add-ins to help you learn and practice good coding standard practices, architecture, performance, testing, security, the cloud and much more.


  • Opening Act

    • In the context of software engineering, software quality refers to two related but distinct notions that exist where quality is defined in a business context

    • Software Functional & Structural Quality

      • Reliability

      • Efficiency

      • Maintainability

      • Security

      • Size

  • Why do we need it?

    There's really no such thing as a large-scale software dev project. All software is small chunks stuck together with chewing gum and string. -- Alan Cooper

    • Code quality, in one word

      • Clarity

      • Stable

      • Simple

      • Undervalued

      • Maintainable

      • Reliable

      • Tested

      • SOLID

  • Features sell software, not code quality

    • You must find ways to inject code quality

  • Observed Code Violations in just one code base Dave has worked

    • 30 Critical Errors

    • 869 Errors

    • 49,463 Warnings

    • 162 Critical Warnings

    • Single class has cyclomatic complexity of 7,290 & class coupling of 514

      • Number of paths that can be taken through one unit of code

      • Each of those require a unit test

    • Globalization > 6K

    • Spelling issues > 2K

    • 2K CLS compliant issues

      • An indicator of reuse compatibility

  • The first thing that happens when bad code is encountered: We re-write it

  • The cost of fixing bugs

    • Requirements - baseline

    • Design - 5x

    • Code - 10x

    • Dev Testing - 20x

    • Acceptance Testing - 50x

    • Production - > 150x

  • How do we implement code quality easily?

    • Coding Standards & Best Practices

      • .NET Coding Standards by David McCarter

    • Architecture & Multi Layer Design

      • User Experience

        • Presentation Layer

        • UI Components

        • Identity

      • Communications Layer

      • Business Layer

        • Business workflow

        • Business components

        • Business entities

      • Data Layer

    • Object Oriented and Structured Programming

      • Encapsulation

      • Inheritance

      • Polymorphism

      • www.c-sharpcorner.com/blogs/make-encapsulation-easy-with-dotnettipsutility

    • Data

      • Database

        • databasehalth.com/download

          • Evaluates health of any SQL server

      • Files

    • Memory and Network

      • Likely the largest bottleneck encountered in software

      • Get your stuff out of memory sooner, rather than later

        • iDisposable

          • Telling the garbage collector you're done with the data

        • Release objects as soon as possible

      • Check network resources

        • ping is really cheap and fast

        • Why make a call to a network resource if it is not there?

    • Security

      • Cross-site scripting

      • Identity

      • SQL injection

      • Type checking

        • Use the right type for the job

    • Reuse!

      • Have the mindset that whatever you code will be reused

      • 90% of all code should be in DLLs or assemblies

        • Must perform proper unit testing and validation

      • .NET standard libraries

      • Portable libraries

    • Type coupling

      • Tight coupling BAD

      • Loose coupling GOOD

      • Dependency injection

      • Generics

        • Make methods type agnostic

    • Complexity

      • Write code that most programmers can understand

        Good programmers write code that humans can understand -- Martin Fowler

      • Refactor

      • All code needs to be Unit testable

        • If not possible, re-write the code

    • Performance

      • Chunky, not chatty, calls

        • The Internet is the biggest bottleneck

        • Don't go across the Internet until you have a bunch

      • Queuing

        • Dispatch lower-priority tasks to slower workers

      • Caching

      • Cloud

        • Easy way to improve performance without doing much

        • Datacenters may be closer to the user

    • Globalization

      • Languages (& translations)

      • Resources

      • Formatting

    • Error & Exception Handling

      • Try/Catch

        • Prevents exceptions

      • When something is caught, log everything everywhere

        • Log at least to two places, if not more

        • Don't write your own logging framework

          • Dave has an open-source one

        • Stackify logs, for free, to the cloud

      • Global trapping

      • Send to the cloud

    • Analysis

      • SQL Server

        • Database health monitor

        • SQL profiler

        • Often the single-point of failure for applications

      • Network

        • Monitor

      • Memory

        • Memory profiling is the only way to find dispose problems

      • Disk I/O

    • Testing

      • Performance testing

      • Unit testing

      • User acceptance

      • App testing

    • Documentation

      • Requirements

      • Design

      • Code comments / self documenting code

      • XML docs

      • ghostdoc from submain

    • Refactor

      • CodeRush from DevExpress

    • Workflow before submitting code

Complete CI/CD Pipeline to Microsoft Azure with Docker using Jenkins

Jessica Deen


We will first review what CD (continuous deployment/delivery) is and will briefly cover how it works. If you’re not familiar with CI/CD tools, I will demo how CD tools handle continuous deployment to Azure and how you can use them to stand up Docker infrastructure (or even Kubernetes) and pass Docker commands for your dev environments. This session will teach attendees how to push apps to Docker containers or Kubernetes Pods on Azure from a CI/CD pipeline. The code used to support Azure is highly scalable and can be applied to a host of CI/CD tools, such as Jenkins, Travis CI, Codeship, Codefresh, etc. If you’ve ever been curious about how to get started with continuous integration / continuous deployment and Docker containers, or even Microsoft Azure, this is the talk to attend! After this session, you will firmly understand how you can use CI/CD with Microsoft Azure and Docker to build images and run your applications in running containers. You will also learn how to create a non-interactive, command line based, login session to Microsoft Azure, a method you can use to scale with any developer environment.


  • Reveiw "DevOps," what it is, and why it matters

    • Going digital

      • 1 million new devices per hour will be coming online

      • 12 years average age of S&P 500 coporations by 2020

      • 60% computing in the public cloud by 2025

    • DevOps

      • Aspects

        • People

          • Bring people together

        • Processes

          • Delivering value faster

        • Tools

          • Executing a devops strategy

      • Habits and practices

        • Automated testing

        • Continuous integration/deployment

        • Release management

        • Telemetry monitoring

        • Testing in production

        • Automated testing

        • Continous measurement

      • End-to-end DevOps

        1. Plan + Track

          • Starts with an idea that can be turned into reality

        2. Develop + Test

          • After the iteration starts, developers turn great ideas into features and functionality

          • Write code

          • Unit testing

          • Version control

            • Source code management

              • All your code is linked directly to the story, but, or task

          • Build

          • Build verification

            • Continuous Integration

            • Test management

          • Release

        3. Release

          • When all tests pass, the build is deployed

          • Continous Deployment

            • Streamline and automate the workflow between development and IT ops and deliver higher quality software mrore frequently with less risk

          • Infrastructure as code

            • Value

              • Optimize resources

              • Accelerate delivery

            • Measure

              • Deployment rate

              • MTTR

        4. Monitor + Learn

          • When all tests pass, the build is deployed to testing environments for each stage in the release process

          • Streamline and automate the workflow between development and IT ops and deliver higher quality software more frequently with less risk

  • DevOps Benefits

    • Strong IT Performance is a competitive advantage

    • Dploy code 30x faster

    • Have 60x fewer failures

  • Jenkins

    • Groovy pipeline?

  • Kubernetes

    • What is this?

  • The shift to DevOps

    • Old World -> New World

      • Focus on planning -> focus on delivering

      • compete -> collaborate to win

      • Static hierarchies -> fluent and flexible teams

      • Individual productivity -> Collective value creation

      • Efficiency of process -> Effectiveness of outcomes

      • Assumptions, not data -> experiment, learn, and respond

  • Recommended DevOps book: Phoenix Project

The Fundamental Laws of Software Development

Matthew Jones

  • Lead software developer for U-Haul International

  • Tech BLog: www.excetionnotfound.net

  • Reading Blog: www.readaloudcorner.com

  • Twitter: @ExceptionFound



There exists a set of fundamental maxims, quotes, and adages which guide how software is developed in the modern world. This is a fast, funny session in which we will explore many those ideas and explain how they apply to our everyday jobs. The maxims themselves might not have been developed for the software world, but they apply to our livelihood nonetheless.

Slides will be posted after the session.

Original blog post (does not contain all the laws discussed in this presentation):


  • What are the Fundamental Laws?

    • Universe

    • Tech-agnostic

    • Funny (sometimes)

    • True

    • Deal primarily with people, not code

  • The basics

    • Simpler is better

    • Kranzberg's First Law

      Technology is neither good nor bad; nor is it neutral.

    • Occam's Razor

      Among competing hypotheses, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected. -- William of Ockham

    • The Pareto Principle

      • Formulated by Vilfredo Pareto

        80% of the effects stem from 20% of the causes. -- Formulated by Joseph Juran

      • Remember which details you want

    • Hanlon's Razor

      Never assume malice for what is adequately explained by stupidity.

  • Time Management

    1. Parkinson's Law

      Work exampls so as to fill the time available for its completion. -- C. Northrope Parkinson

      • Should not overestimate time as much as you can

    2. The Ninety-Ninety Rule

      The first 90% of the code takes the first 90% of development time. The last 10% of the code takes the other 90% of development time. -- Tom Cargill, Bell Labs

    3. Hofstadter's Law

      It always takes longer than you think, even when you take into account Hofstadter's Law.

      • Godel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid by Douglas R. Hofstadter

  • Design

    1. Hick's Law

      The time to make a decision is a function of the possible choices.

      • Reduce the number of choices for more efficient decision making

      • User's don't want to use your app, they want to accomplish a task

      • Software is a means to the end

      • The faster you can get out of your user's way, the more they like you

      • Remove choices that don't matter

    2. Hoare's Maxim

      There are two ways to construct a software design. One is to make it so simple that there are obviously no deficiencies, and the other is to make it so complicated that there are no obvious deficiencies. -- Sir C.A.R. "Tony" Hoare (inventor of quicksort)

      • The more simple you make it, the easier it is to explain it. It takes time to gain the expertise to make it simple

      • You will never actually make it perfect, but can get really really close

  • Code 8. Robustness Pricniple

    Be conservative in what you do, be liberal in what you accept from others. -- Jon Postel, Internet Pioner

    • Also known as Postel's Law

    • You want to do things once

      1. Flon's Law

        There is not now, nor will there ever be, a programming language in which it is the least bit difficult to write bad code.

      2. Eagleson's Law

        Any code of your own that you haven't looked at for six or more months might as well have been written by someone else.

    • You are not your code

      • Code doesn't change, you do

  • Maintenance

    • All code needs work, some just need more than others

    • Chesterton's Fence

      Reforms should not be made until the reasoning behind the current state of affairs is understood.

      • G. K. Chesterton wanted to tear down a fence because he imagined it was useless and obstructed the view. The city council's retort was that they may consider tearing it down if Chesterton could explain why it may be needed.

    • Linus's Law

      Given enough eyeballs, all bugs are shallow.

      • Linus Torvalds noticed this while debugging

      • Example: stack overflow

    • Cunningham's Law

      The fastest way to get an answer on the Internet is not to ask a question, it's to post the wrong answer.

  • Management 14. The Peter Principle

    The selection of a candidate for a position is based on the candidate's performance in their current role, rather than on abilities relevant to the intended role -- Peter J. Cumming

    • You can't be judged on a job you haven't done

    • Advancement in position is based on the candidate's performance in his or her previous roles rather than performance in current role.

      14.1. Peter Principle Redux

      Employees tend to rise to their level of incompetence.

      1. Brook's Law

        Adding manpower to a late software project makes it later.

    • The Mythical Man-Month by Frederick P. Brooks, Jr.

    • Augustine's Law

    • Software development is not a factory

    • Software teams are much more akin to a film crew

      1. Conway's Law

        The architecture of a system is a copy of the architecture of the organization

    • If you are aware of this, you can influence the design of your architecture to compensate

  • Meetings 17. Parkinson's Law of Triviality

    The time spent on any agenda item will be in inverse proportion to the sum of money involved. 18. Sayre's Law In any dispute the intensity of feeling is inversely proportional to the value of the issues at stake. 19. Law of argumentative Comprehension The more people understand something, the more willing they are to argue about it, and the more vigorously they will do so.

    • Whoever is in charge of the meeting must take control and break this

Functional Principles in C#

Paul Verger

  • paulverger@gmail.com


Functional Principles are a group of coding practices designed to make applications easier to debug, maintain, and test. In this session you will learn how and when to use immutable classes, command-query separation, when to use exceptions, and how to use the “fail fast” principle. We will also cover lambdas and extension methods to make code more concise and readable. We will also discuss dependency injection and how to avoid “primitive obsession”.


  • Immutable classes

  • Command-query separation (CQS)

  • Single-responsibility principle

  • Exceptions

    • Only should be used for failures that shouldn't happen

  • Fail Fast Principle

    • When an error is detected, IMMEDIATELY stop processing the request and return an error indication

  • Syntactic Sugar

    • Lambdas

      • Make code more concise

      • => is lambda operator

      • Translate => as "goes to"

      • Often used with Linq (System.Linq)

      • Disadvantages

        • Most useful for simple relations

        • Harder to read for complex algortihms

        • Hard to debug

    • Extension Methods

      • Can be invoked from an object even though they are not part of that object's class

      • Disadvantages

        • Having many makes them hard to keep track of them all

        • Hard to find all extension methods associated with a class

          • Can be dispersed through entire code base

  • Dependency Injection

    • High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.

    • Constructor Injection

      • Using interfaces and abstract class as a parameter to the injection

    • Disadvantages

      • May make code harder to read

      • Warning: Only use dependency injection for parameters that could actually change!

  • Primitive Obsession

    • "Obsessively" converting class fields and properties to built-in types

    • Avoidance:

      • Don't convert class object property or field to a built-in ("primitive") data type

      • Use application calls to object property or field

  • Recommended References

    • Pluralsight Course; Applying Functional Principles in C# by Vladimir Korikov (April 8, 2016)

    • Pluralsight Course; Practical LINQ by Deborah Kurata (September 17, 2013)

The Art of Not Sucking At Technical Presentations

Nuri Halperin

  • @nurih


It might be about attaining perfection.

More likely, it's about trying not to suck.


  • Presenting can be thought of as an art form

  • There is also a certain amount of science to it

  • Education?

    • The Art of Enchantment, Guy Kawasaki

      • Slide building

    • Confessions of a Public Speaker, Scott Berkun

      • How to "perform"

    • Toastmasters

      • Good to cut filler sounds and get practice

  • Create an environment where the audience keeps their attention on the speaker and the material

  • "See through the system"

    • What is a presentation?

    • Think of the whole room

      • Choices of how to appear to the audience

        • Teacher

          • Informative only

        • Lecture

          • Informative

          • Storytelling

            • Story arch from a state of not knowing to understanding

      • What really matters is the audience, not how the presenter provides the information

        • The audience has one thing on their mind: "What's in it for me"?

        • The audience may have different levels of understanding of the material

          • Novices

          • Intermediate understanding wanting to learn something new

  • Introductions?

    • Don't do it; not useful to state name, reason for the talk, credentials, etc.

    • Use the time to give value to the audience rather than talk up yourself

  • Jokes?

    • Not appropriate for technical presentations

    • Difficult to do well

      • Sensibilities are wide and varied

    • What's in it for the audience? They're attending a technical presentation to learn something.

    • Humanizing yourself to make a connection with the audience may be the one exception

    • If it comes out naturally, go ahead and let it out, but don't spend time working on it

  • Don't stand and read the slides you created

    • You could have easily sent the slides out and not wasted the audience's time with a presentation

  • Memes

    • Wasn't clear what his recommendation was because of questions about what memes are

  • Graphics

    • Complex graphics that is information rich is distracting

      • The audience will want to read and understand it

    • If you must have complex graphics, pause and turn to the slide. Let the audience know they have permission to take in the material and has time and space to do it.

    • Should only be an aid to what you'll be saying

  • Give the essence of the concepts

    • Distill concepts to the very essences

    • If there are details to be disemminated

      • Provide it afterwards

      • Decompose to multiple slides

  • But I'm not an artist!

    • Small visuals

      • Use ubiquitous iconography

    • Bulleted lists

      • Visual is small and not distracting

    • Few amount text

    • Hire / buy someone to create your graphics

      • Example: Fiver.com

  • Unguided tour by a question from the audience

    • May not be of interest to the rest of the audience

    • May not contribute to the presented material

    • Respectfully say it can be discussed afterwards individually

  • Be Prepared!

    • T-5 minutes

      • Drink some water

      • Engage with the audience

    • T-1 Hour

      • Prepare computers for the presentation

    • T-1 Day

      • Make multiple copies of the presentation

    • Repeatedly practice the material

      • If demoing code, run through them from beginning to end

        • Starting from blank slate

    • You're not done until you're done

      • Define what is meant by done, but then be fastidiously strict about it

    • Practice!

      • Get up, don't sit

      • It's OK to go through pieces of it if there are parts that are still unrefined

      • A talk needs time to mature

        • The topic doesn't reveal itself in the first presentations

          • Incorporate discussions after each talk to refine what the presentation is getting across to the audience

  • Be genuine and intentional on providing value

    • Engage empathy with the audience to understand their needs and desires for the topic

  • Secret Fool Proof Method

    • Start with by outlining

      • Pick 4 things you absolutely need

        • Human brains are not good at tracking more than 4 items

          • Keep the amount of major points low

      • Create story

        • Make logical progressions

        • Ordering

          • Chronological

          • Make sure the points are scaffolding with each other, the next elaborating on the previous

        • Desire an arch that connects all the points

      • Refine

        • Add details

          • Can evaluate the outline by adding the details

            • Can evaluate what is actually relevant to the audience

        • Remove cruft

          • Respect the audience's time

          • Be calm and measured

          • Maybe you won't go into the gory details

            • It can be a topic of the next presentation!

          • Focus on something and make it succinct and make it stick

    • Refine the outline

    • Start over from scratch

      • Squirrel away the exciting parts for you personally

      • What occurred the first time was your ego, not about the audience

  • Imposter Syndrome

    • The main reason it's OK for you to speak is because you followed the magic formula and properly prepared

  • Rules of Thumb (Silly Little Tricks)

    • Making 4 points is better than giving a "deep dive"

    • Prefer a infographics over a data table

    • Develop story as opposed to giving a garden tour

      • Avoid tangents and come back to the main topic if you find yourself straying

    • Discussions are more engaging than telling the points of the topic

Intro to Xamarin

Mrinalini Sinha


Xamarin is a cross platform development tool that I learned and used during my internship. It makes cross platform development quick, clean and effectively cheaper by having the code built by one team rather than divided into teams of native developers. Quick intro to what Xamarin is and how to get started.


  • What is Xamarin?

    • C# & .NET to build native apps

    • Targeting 2+ platforms but don't know iOS or Android dev?

    • Targeting native app for 1 platform without knowing the associated language?

      • Xcode & Objective C

      • Java & Android Studio

  • In a Xamarin project

    • C# shared business logic

    • C# UI in Android, iOS, Windows Phone

  • Why Xamarin?

    • Leverages C# & .NET

    • Open source

    • Xamarin.Forms - iOS SDK & Android SDK

      • It's as if you developed in the native development environments

    • Windows phone - .NET

    • Visual Studio = nuget packages (eg. HTTP Client, Json.NET)

    • LINQ support

    • Lambda Functions

    • Async & await, tasks

    • Access to classes like Collections

  • Getting the UI right

    • Different platforms, different paradigms

    • Xamarin.Forms: a UI toolkit

      • A bit of shared UI code

    • Allows us to build with XAML

    • Layer of abstraction between projects

  • Xamarin vs Xamarin.Forms

    • Xamarin

      • .NET environment for iOS, Android, and macOS

      • Runtime, common classes, asynchronous

    • Xamarin.Forms

      • UI

  • Code Reusability

    • Xamarin app = native app, code in C#

    • Xamarin.Forms = native app, code in C#, UI in XAML

  • Target Platforms

    • Android, iOS <-> Mac (OSX)

    • Android, Windows <-> Windows

    • Mac build host will connect a Windows machine to a OSX machine to allow iOS, Android, and Windows phone

  • Xamarin.Forms

    • A UI toolkit

    • Provides a native UI abstraction

    • No real Xamarin label/button

      • At runtime, the Xamarin label is translated to the platform-native label

    • Underlying platform accessible

    • UI: XAML, controls data binding, event handling

  • Building the UI

    • Xamarin.Forms componentsL Views, Layouts, and Pages

      • Views

        • widgets/controls

          • Buttons

          • Entry fields

          • Labels

          • Date picker

          • etc.

      • Layouts

        • Structure to UI

        • Types

          • ContentPresenter

          • ContentView

          • ScrollView

          • Frame

          • TemplatedView

          • STackLayout

          • AbsoluteLayout

          • RelativeLayout

          • GridLayout

      • Pages

        • A place to hold views & layouts

          • ContentPage

          • MasterDetailPage

          • NavigationPage

            • Bar & back button

            • PushAsync(page)

            • PopAsync() (back button)

        • Navigational behavior

  • How to get started with Xamarin

    • Choose multi-platform app in Visual Studio

      • May or may not have to select Xamarin

    • Portable vs shared class library

      • Portable class library

        • More of a completed project

        • Shipped as an assembly across different platforms

      • Shared class library

        • Shared code is referenced from other projects and then built into the using project

    • Xamarin Test Cloud

      • Test your app on thousands of different devices

      • Automated UI tests running on each platform, each device

      • Screenshot of failures

  • Parting thoughts

    • Inevitable it will be necessary to learn the underlying platform

    • Cross platform development is always complex

    • No Xamarin.Forms designer yet

Communicating With Code -- Tests That Don't Suck

Chris Stead


When we write tests around code, not only are we verifying that the underlying behaviors adhere to specifications, we are telling the next programmer about how our program works. We will move beyond simply verifying behavior and start communicating effectively about our program.


  • Why do we say we test?

    • Safe to change

    • Capture information about bugs

    • Verify correct behavior

    • Meet code coverage

  • Better reason to test: Communicate

  • Good tests should have:

    • Description text should declare intent

    • Named variables expose meaning better

    • Complex objects can be extracted away

    • Assertions should ensure full proper behavior

      • Give insight by making more clear what is being tested

  • Tests that communicate

    • Inform other developers of original intent

      • Important to be written close to the time the code was written

        • Ideally before the code was written

    • Exemplify API use

      • Show what it really means to use the API

    • Deepen understanding of code contracts

    • Expose criteria for correct behavior

  • Writing great code is like writing a great story

    • It never happens in a single pass

  • Where do we start?

    • Sometimes choosing the right place to start is the hardest thing you'll do all day

  • Here's what to do

    • Extract variables fist

    • Define and test with output type

    • Build factory for setup data

      • We don't care about the stuff in the setup data, but the types around it

      • This way we can say more about it

    • Update description

    • Introduce golden master test for completeness

  • Why go that way?

    • Extracting variables is fast and easy

      • Part of this is healthy refactoring

        • You possibly have a tool that helps do this

    • Good types are descriptive

    • Data factories remove noise

      • This is nontrivial

    • Declarative code leads us to better descriptions

    • Golden master tests are great, but harder to setup

  • Domain modeling for the fearless

    • Signet types allow for rich verification

    • Show that the output type is what we expect

  • Factories for fun and profit

    • Declarative test data with DataMother

      • Factory generates spec

  • A well-described test

    • Choice words make all the difference

    • All the way through the test leads back to what's right, wrong, how to correct wrongs

    • What is our contract and what do we adhere to

  • Bonus round: Verifying data for great justice

    • Using approvals to ensure data correctness

      • Golden Master framework

  • Fewer mocks, the better

    • If you have too many mocks, it becomes difficult to know if you're testing your code or the mocks

      • Mock not only stands in place for something, it also expectations

      • A stub doesn't care about the expectations as long as you adhere to the contract

        • It doesn't care if things are right or wrong, or how many times it's called

  • The takeaway

    • Tests should do more than exercise code

    • All good tests should facilitate communication

    • Documentation + tests is doubling your effort

      • Documentation should be able to be auto-generated from the tests

    • The right tools can ease testing turmoil

Programming Arduino Robots with Visuino

Boian Mitov


Will demonstrate how easy it is to program your own Arduino based robots with Visuino to autonomous, or remote controlled:

  • Infrared Remote Control

  • PS2 Controller Remote

  • Reading sensors and remote control from computer or mobile device over Bluetooth

  • Navigate around obstacles on their own

  • Follow line


  • What is Arduino from a hardware point of view?

    • Low cost, open source hardware micro-controller board

    • Resilient, difficult to damage hardware

    • Huge number of clones and boards; new coming every day

    • Simple to use for hardware designs

    • Very good for real time tasks

  • What is Arduino from a software point of view

    • A uniform development environment and API for multitude of platforms

    • Supported by many non "Arduino" based devices such as Teensy, Edison, Galileo, Curie, Femto,IO, ESP8266, ESP32, FreeSoC2, Maple Mini, and many more...

    • Allows easy code sharing between different hardware platforms

  • Why use Arduino for Robotics?

    • Very low cost. Some devices as cheap as $2 or less

    • Large number of digital and analog channels

    • Large number of connectivity options over Ethernet, WiFi, Bluetooth, GSM/GPRS, and many others

    • Large variety of sizes starting with a small coin size to a palm size boards

    • Large amount of available peripherals, including sensors, driver motor boards and actuators

  • What are the Arduino challenges?

    • Very primitive and cumbersome development tools, difficult to learn and use

    • Requires relatively low level programming

    • most people have no problem connecting hardware to it, but they get lost in the programming side

    • Lack of easily available programming side

    • Lack of easily available debugging tools

    • When used for collecting data, there is no easy way to visualize it

  • Visuino comes to play

    • Graphical development environment for Arduino

    • Automatically generates Arduino code, and programs the boards

    • Built in data visualization

    • Direct mapping of software and hardware components

    • Provides uniform communication over serial, or socket based channels

  • Demo used Elegoo Smart Robot Car Kit V3.0

Last updated